We build locally and then ship the home anywhere the owner wishes to have it built. Jorgensen Log Homes, Inc is located in the heart of the Black Hills in South Dakota. Norwegian Log's Residential Log Homes and Transportable Mobile Log Cabins are a convenient, comfortable and cost effective way to get the extra accommodation you need at home, on your farm or at your favourite holiday destination. Residential Log Homes and Transportable Log Cabins. Whether you are looking for a custom log cabin for a vacation home, or a log home for your primary residence, the Log & Timber Home Design Center is your tool to design the custom log home of your dreams. In addition to new home construction, our staff is widely known for quality. We have homes in fourteen states and have even shipped completed projects internationally. Our modular kiosks, that are used in about 120 countries around the world have robust structures and versatile models. High-quality bespoke pop-up shops, Modular cabins and kiosks, retail merchandising solutions, modular stores and sports stadia solutions - as seen across the World & Europe. Why haven’t we heard from aliens yet? If this solution is correct, they are purposely hiding in the darkness of space for fear of death.From its European origins from the 35th Century BCE up to its elevation to icon status in Americana, the log cabin – simple in design, humble in appearance, and steadfast in many senses of the word and in where it belongs in history – has quite the story to tell. If we had reason to avoid letting aliens know about us, as Stephen Hawking thought we did, we might have a problem. Any aliens within a one hundred light year radius of us would be receiving a barrage of radio signals from our direction. We’ve been screaming our existence to the cosmos for almost one hundred years now. It does, however, assume that other species have a similar risk aversion level and reasoning process as we do or that there really is one civilization out there killing off anybody they think can harm them. One possible reason for this is that other civilizations are so fearful of being detected that they purposely avoid sending out any radio evidence of their existence. Just as we accidentally send our radio signals, meant for us, out into space, another civilization would be likely to as well. This would also explain why we haven’t found any mundane alien radio signals despite a century of being able to pick them up. He then reminds us that broadcasts of I Love Lucy are racing across the cosmos, ready to reveal our location and sense of humor to anybody who can pick them up. We would not have detected extraterrestrial radio traffic- nor would any ETIS have ever settled on Earth- because all were killed shortly after discovering radio.” It need only happen once for the results of this scenario to become the equilibrium condition in the Galaxy. There is no need to struggle to suppress the elements of the Drake equation in order to explain the Great Silence, nor need we suggest that no ETIS anywhere would bear the cost of interstellar travel.

“It is consistent with all of the facts and philosophical principles described in the first part of this article. In this excerpt, he explains why this solution an attractive one for scientific purposes and terrifying for existential reasons: While the variant he describes relies on robotic probes carrying out the task of killing off civilizations other than the one that created it, the core concept remains the same. It was also put forth by scientist David Brin as a potential solution to the lack of radio evidence for alien life. Is there a non-literary approach to this solution? Or is it just an idea that is good for a story? It’s a bit like the prisoner’s dilemma really, and the concept is based on applied game theory. If he finds another life-another hunter, angel, or a demon, a delicate infant to tottering old man, a fairy or demigod-there’s only one thing he can do: open fire and eliminate them. The hunter has to be careful, because everywhere in the forest are stealthy hunters like him. Every civilization is an armed hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound. The reasoning behind the paranoia is explained in this paragraph from the novel: